
The SelectWorkshop component offers a user a list of their UKRN workshop repositories from which they can select a repository to edit. Alternatively the user can enter a new repository name to create a new workshop repository from a template repository.


Name Type Default value Required? Description
templateRepository String - No The template repository from which the create new workshop will be created.


Name Type Default value Description
chosenTemplateRepository String - The URL of the template repository currently selected as the template for created workshops.
newRepositoryName String "" Name for the new repository to be created.
remoteRepositoryURL String|null null The URL of the currently selected repository.


Name Type Description
templateRepository Template The currently selected template repository.
templateRepositories Array.<Template> The template repositories from which the create new workshop will be created.
userRepositories Array.<Repository> URKN workshop GitHub repositories belonging to the user.
newRepositoryNameSafe String A version of the newRepositoryName string suitable for use as a GitHub repository name.



Refresh the list of the user's repositories.


Set a repository as the main repository for customisation. Fetch the repository files for that repository, and fetch a list of other UKRN workshop repositories with the same open science topic. Schedule a build status check for the immediate future.


Create a new UKRN workshop repository on GitHub by copying from a template.