
The WorkshopProperties component lists the fields described in the workshop metadata and allows a user to customise their content.


Name Type Default value Required? Description
template File - Yes Template workshop with metadata describing the fields to display.


Name Type Default value Description
currentValue= - {Object} Dictionary of values indexed by YAML keys.
valueChanged= - {Object} Dictionary of change flags indexed by YAML keys.
loadingFileList Boolean true Whether the file list special property of any field is being determined.
fileList Array.<String> [] List of files that can be selected as options for certain special fields.
saving Boolean false Whether the local changes to the fields are being saved to the store.
saveTimeout null|Number null Timeout index for the store save event.
minSaveDelay Number 500 Minimum delay between editing a field and its content being saved to the store.
lastSaveTime Number 0 Time the last save occurred.
saveOperations= - {Object} Dictionary of pending save operations.
checkboxGroup Array [] Currently unused.


Name Type Description
Fields Array.<Field> YAML Fields that can be edited.


Name Payload Type Description
refresh Signal that the _config.yml file in the store has been changed.


registerSave(key, value)

Set a save operation to happen because a change has occurred.
Name Type Description
key String Key of the YAML field that should be saved.
value any Value of the YAML field to save.

save() → {Promise.<boolean>}

Save the content of any changed YAML fields to the _config.yml file in the store.