
The GitHubMenu component provides a sidebar with buttons and information relevant to the GitHub instance of the current main repository. It offers a link to the GitHub repository, options to discard or push all changes to local files, a link to the GitHub Pages render of the repository, and details of the last Build Status Check.


Name Type Default value Description
expanded Boolean false Whether the sidebar is expanded.


Name Type Description
mainRepo Repository Repository currently being edited in the Workshop Builder tool.
pagesURL String Link to homepage of the repository as rendered by GitHub Pages.
buildType String Buefy class string representing how the build status should be styled.
buildIcon String MDI icon name for the build status icon.
buildMessage String Description of the build status.
lastCheck String|null Pretty datetime string giving the time of the last build.


reload() → {Promise.<BNoticeComponent>}

Discard local store copies of all files and retrieve fresh versions from GitHub.

save() → {Promise.<BNoticeComponent>}

Push all changes to all altered local store files to the remote GitHub repository.