
The YAMLFieldInput component presents the appropriate input type for any YAML field whose value is an array. For YAML fields with non-array values, see YAMLFieldInput.


Name Type Default value Required? Description
field Field - Yes Field to display.
value any - Yes Current value of the field.
data Array - No Options for special-case fields.


Name Type Default value Description
countries Array.<String> - List of country codes retrieved from country-codes.json library file.
languages Array.<String> - List of language codes retrieved from language-codes.json library file.


Name Type Description
currentValue any The current field value. Emits input event on change.


Name Payload Type Description
input any Signal that the value of the field has been changed.


updateValue(i, v)

Update the value of the field by changing the appropriate part of the array.
Name Type Description
i Number Index of the element to update.
v any New value.