
The CustomiseItem component performs the majority of the work involved in editing individual GitHub markdown files. An item in this component makes available various detailed views depending upon what is relevant for that item. Items that are already part of the main repository and are well-specified allow editing of YAML headers (if applicable) using a form and body content using a markdown editor. Files that are not well-specified allow editing of the raw file content. Items that have been modified in this way make available an option to push the changes to GitHub. Items from other repositories are made available to install into the main repository. They also offer the opportunity to view the YAML headers and body content side-by-side. Items assigned to a day in the scheduler allow removing the item back to the stash, and stashed items allow removing the item from the stash entirely. Stashed items that belong to the main repository can be deleted (rather than simply dropped). All items include a link to where their content can be viewed in the rendered website.


Name Type Default value Required? Description
item File - Yes The markdown file object being customised.
overrideName String - No A name to use instead of the item's YAML name field.
overrideLink String - No A link to use instead of the item's episode-adjusted path.
noYAML Boolean false No Whether the item is missing YAML information.
addButtons Array.<String> [] No Names of buttons to add to the item, overriding the default presence/absence determination for those buttons.
removeButtons Array.<String> [] No Names of buttons not to add to the item, overriding the default presence/absence determination for those buttons.
start Array.<Number> - No The start time of the item, as an array of [minutes, hours], each of which is a number.
end Array.<Number> - No The end time of the item, as an array of [minutes, hours], each of which is a number.


Name Type Default value Description
isViewing Boolean false Whether the user is viewing the details of the item. Updates store.editingItem via watcher.
isEditing Boolean false Whether the user is editing the details of the item. Updates store.editingItem via watcher.
isEditingContent Boolean false Whether the user is editing the content of the item. Updates store.editingItem via watcher.
isEditingRawContent Boolean false Whether the user is editing the raw content of the item. Updates store.editingItem via watcher.
currentContent String "" The current content of the item.
currentRawContent String "" The current raw content of the item.
iconSize String 'is-small' Buefy size class for the icons.
toolbars Object Object mavon-editor toolbar specification.


Name Type Description
mainRepo Repository|null The main repository being edited.
template String The template of the main repository.
content String The content of the item as held in the store.
rawContent String The raw content of the item as held in the store.
Fields Array.<Field> The YAML fields in the item's content.


Name Payload Type Description
refresh Emit a request to refresh the item's content from the store.


  • module:mavon-editor



Start editing the item's content.


Start editing the item's raw content.
Convert an item's link into a link to the item's page when rendered with GitHub pages.
Name Type Description
item File The item whose link is required.
Generate a link from the item's GitHub Pages instance to a specified extension.
Name Type Description
item File The item whose link is required.
link String Extra pathing to append to the end of the generated pages link.

imgAdd(pos, img)

Upload an image in the maven-editor and store it for including in a markdown file.
Name Type Description
pos Number The index of the image.
img Object The image to store.

install() → {Promise.<BNoticeComponent>}

Install a remote item into the current main repository. Issues a Buefy toast on completion.

installMissingDependencies() → {Promise.<BNoticeComponent>}

Iterate through the dependencies for an item and attempt to install the missing ones from the original non-main repository. Issues a Buefy toast on completion.

pad(x) → {string}

Pad a number to two digits with leading zero.
Name Type Description
x Number

save() → {Promise.<void>}

Save the current version of an item.