<section class="card content">
<div class="card-header"
<span class="card-header-title">Select Existing Workshop to Edit</span>
<div class="card-content">
<div class="content" v-if="userRepositories.length">
<div class="content">
<p>You already have a workshop repository which is tagged with the topic "ukrn-workshop". You can select it here:</p>
<div class="content select-repo">
https://github.com/{{ $store.getters['github/login'] }}/
<b-select v-model="remoteRepositoryURL" :loading="$store.getters['workshop/isBusy']('findRepositories')">
<option v-for="repo in userRepositories" :key="repo.url" :value="repo.url">
{{ repo.name }}
<b-button label="Load workshop"
<div class="content columns" v-else>
<div class="column">
<p>You don't have any workshop repositories tagged with the topic "ukrn-workshop". If you think this is a mistake, or you have just created one, you can refresh the search using this button.</p>
<div class="column">
<b-button @click="checkUserRepositories" :loading="$store.getters['workshop/isBusy']('findRepositories')">Check again</b-button>
<div class="content">
<b-field :label="`${userRepositories.length? 'Alternatively, c':'C'}reate a new workshop from a template`"
:message="newRepositoryName !== newRepositoryNameSafe? `Repository will be created as ${newRepositoryNameSafe}` : templateRepository && !newRepositoryNameSafe? 'Enter a name for your new repository' : ''"
<b-input placeholder="New workshop name"
<b-select placeholder="Select template"
<option v-for="t in templates" :key="t.url" :value="t.url">{{ t.description }} ({{ t.ownerLogin }}/{{ t.name }})</option>
<p class="control">
<b-button class="button is-primary"
:disabled="!newRepositoryNameSafe || !chosenTemplateRepository"
* The SelectWorkshop component offers a user a list of their UKRN workshop repositories from which they can select a repository to edit. Alternatively the user can enter a new repository name to create a new workshop repository from a template repository.
* @vue-prop [templateRepository] {String} The template repository from which the create new workshop will be created.
* @vue-data chosenTemplateRepository {String} The URL of the template repository currently selected as the template for created workshops.
* @vue-data newRepositoryName="" {String} Name for the new repository to be created.
* @vue-data remoteRepositoryURL=null {String|null} The URL of the currently selected repository.
* @vue-computed templateRepository {Template} The currently selected template repository.
* @vue-computed templateRepositories {Array<Template>} The template repositories from which the create new workshop will be created.
* @vue-computed userRepositories {Array<Repository>} URKN workshop GitHub repositories belonging to the user.
* @vue-computed newRepositoryNameSafe {String} A version of the newRepositoryName string suitable for use as a GitHub repository name.
export default {
components: {},
name: 'SelectWorkshop',
data: function() {
return {
chosenTemplateRepository: "",
newRepositoryName: "",
remoteRepositoryURL: null
computed: {
templates() {
return this.$store.state.workshop.templates
templateRepository() {
return null;
const t = this.$store.state.workshop.templates.filter(
t => t.url === this.chosenTemplateRepository
return t.length? t[0] : null;
userRepositories() {
return this.$store.state.workshop.repositories
.filter(r => r.ownerLogin === this.$store.getters['github/login']);
newRepositoryNameSafe() {
return this.newRepositoryName.replace(/[^a-zA-Z0-9]/g, '-').toLowerCase()
methods: {
* Refresh the list of the user's repositories.
checkUserRepositories() {
this.$store.dispatch('workshop/findRepositories', {
owner: this.$store.getters['github/login']
* Set a repository as the main repository for customisation. Fetch the repository files for that repository, and fetch a list of other UKRN workshop repositories with the same open science topic. Schedule a build status check for the immediate future.
chooseWorkshop() {
// Load local files for this workshop
{url: this.remoteRepositoryURL});
// Load repositories with the same topic
{url: this.remoteRepositoryURL})
// Look up workshops with the same topic
.then(R => {
return this.$store.dispatch('workshop/findRepositories', {
topics: [R.config.yaml.topic]
// Fetch build info for selected repository
this.$store.dispatch('github/registerBuildCheck', {delay: 100});
* Create a new UKRN workshop repository on GitHub by copying from a template.
createRepository() {
this.$store.dispatch('workshop/createRepository', {
name: this.newRepositoryNameSafe,
template: `${this.templateRepository.ownerLogin}/${this.templateRepository.name}`
mounted() {
<!-- Add "scoped" attribute to limit CSS to this component only -->
<style lang="scss" scoped>
$colour-workshop-main: #c4ffe1;
$colour-workshop-dark: darkgreen;
.select-repo {
display: flex;
flex-wrap: wrap;
align-items: center;
justify-content: center;