import github from "./modules/github";
import template from "./modules/template";
import workshop from "./modules/workshop";

 * The context provided to store actions within VueX operations.
 * @typedef StoreContext
 * @property [state] {Object} Current store state.
 * @property [getters] {Object} Current store getters.
 * @property [commit] {Object} Current store mutations.
 * @property [rootSate] {Object} Current root store state.
 * @property [rootGetters] {Object} Current root store getters.

 * @class store
 * @description The VueX store allows all components to share a single set of data. The majority of the store is partitioned into namespaced modules that take care of GitHub login and build monitoring, Workshop creation and editing, and Template management.
const store = {
    strict: process.env.NODE_ENV !== 'production',
     * @name Modules
     * @memberOf store
     * @property template {template} Template store module.
     * @property github {github} GitHub store module.
     * @property workshop {workshop} Workshop store module.
    modules: {
     * @name State
     * @memberOf store
     * @property topicList {string[]} Topics available for tagging repositories.
     * @property editingItem {boolean|string} The URL of the item being edited, or false if nothing is being edited.
    state: {
        topicList: [
            'data-sharing', 'open-access', 'open-code', 'preprints', 'preregistration'
        editingItem: false,
     * @name Mutations
     * @memberOf store
     * @property {string} setEditItem=editingItem Set the URL of the item being edited.
    mutations: {
         * @param state
         * @param value
        setEditItem(state, value) {state.editingItem = value},

export default store;