Instructor Notes
09:00 - 09:30
- Introduction (???
)Introduce GatherTown concepts. Organise as a virtual tour - they can follow along as a group of avatars as we tour the virtual space?
- Moving avatars
- Ghost mode - hold g - allows you to walk through people
- Interaction distance
- Chat bar
- How to open
- Nearby/Everyone/private chats
- Broadcasts + big room
- Floor zones - let us know how you’re doing by where you are
- Zones extend outside broadcast
- Others won’t hear you, but people standing close will
- Private rooms
- Only those inside the room hear you
- Technical issues
- Zoom backup/email?
- Mute when not talking please
- You can mute other people for yourself if you like (click on their microphone icon)
Have everyone assemble in the broadcast room.
Brief introductions from each participant?
- They can use their status (click own name) to indicate expertise, institution, etc.
We’ve probably all had that experience of reading through a tutorial on some open research topic and wondering “…but how do I actually do that?”
That’s the problem we’re aiming to solve together today.
- Direct people to initial survey
- Introduce the workshop philosophy
- Explain the learning objectives
- Manage expectations - building rather than receiving
- Making the most of their knowledge
Data sharing discussion
If more than 8 people use breakout rooms of 3-6
- How much diversity of issues is there?
- Don’t get side-tracked into complex/niche issues like GDPR
- Try to bring together their aims/expectations with the course goals
- Building a workshop
- Producing practical changes
09:30 - 10:45
- Running a Workshop / Pedagogy Skills (Louise
- Outline of the general target structure for the workshop
- Determining learning objectives
- Determining learning activities / lesson components
- Types of Assessment
- Practical skills for delivering teaching
- Administration for workshops (e.g. location, advertising, staff)
10:45 - 11:00
- Morning breakMake sure one of the instructors/helpers is available if people need to chat
- Make sure attendees get a break!
- Encourage non-screen time
11:00 - 12:00
- Workshop Planning (???
)Planning can be done using breakout rooms.
- Introduce UoB Library staff!
Keep on task in the discussion.
- About 5 min for what people might know/think coming in
- About 10 min for resources/practical questions
- About 5 min to research how to practice with your chosen repository/platform Instructors in breakout rooms if necessary. If enough, one instructor remains in the main room.
- Make the workshop planning template visible/salient
- Make the list of learning activities available
12:00 - 12:45
- Lunch BreakHave an instructor rotation so someone is always available for chats/help while others are getting lunch
12:45 - 13:30
- Workshop Builder Tool Introduction (Matt
)Git/Hub explanation
Hands-up who uses git/GitHub
- Pitch explanation at the right level!
- What is GitHub for those who don’t know
- a sort of shared folder that remembers all the changes you made to it
- GitHub Pages turns a repository into a website
- Tool is there to
- Make it easier to edit stuff
- Allow you to find and copy other people’s stuff
- Help you avoid breaking things
Before demo
- Describe what we’ll do (demo then you follow along)
- Questions as we go
at the end- They don’t have to panic - we’ll be there to help and they don’t have to be an expert in any of the technologies
- Post steps in chat
- Screen share during explanations
- Fullscreen to avoid cursor issue
- Go slower (slower than that)
- There’s a mouse lag in screenshare
- Mention stash adding happens as a whole not individual lessons
- Describe in detail during demo (e.g. ‘green button with a plus on it’)
- Assume people aren’t watching your screen
- They don’t have to know Markdown!
- If things go wrong, the ‘discard all changes’ or refreshing the page usually fixes it!
Practical Introduction
If someone is struggling ask them if they’re comfortable sharing their screen with everyone
- If they’re not - breakout room and share screen there
Open Research Resource Browser
- Should be pretty straightforward for people to use
Other instructors can help answer questions in chat, demo things in breakout rooms
13:30 - 14:35
- Workshop Building (part 1) (???
- Questions can be asked in chat
- Questions can be asked in call - with screen sharing
- Breakout room available but main room preferred so others can listen in/see what’s going on
- Try to keep
available for technical issues if we can
- Keep us up to date with where you are on the collaborative document
- Put your name/initial once they’ve completed a step in the table
- (Steps should be things like ‘created workshop’, ‘customised workshop metadata’, ‘made introductory lesson’, etc roughly following the workshop planning template)
We can intervene to help those who are falling behind if we can see where people are.
Remember - we want this complete by the end of the day because we don’t want homework
14:35 - 14:45
- Afternoon BreakMake sure one of the instructors/helpers is available if people need to chat
- Make sure attendees get a break!
- Encourage non-screen time
14:45 - 16:00
- Workshop Building (part 2) (???
)As for part 1.
Remind everyone that Louise is back for a bit to answer questions.
16:00 - 16:45
- Practising your Workshop (???
)Groups of 3-5 in breakout rooms
- Idea is not to teach a whole lesson, just to get a flavour of your own personal approach
- Spend about 5 min per participant teaching, rest of the time giving feedback and discussing
16:45 - 17:00
- Farewell (???
- Direct people to fill out the post-workshop survey
- Accreditation stuff if we have it.
- Follow-up opportunities
- Community of practice engagement
- Thank attendees