Text Lesson


The text in these episodes is written in markdown. The Workshop Builder has a markdown editor, so it should not be too difficult to edit the text to suit your requirements.

In addition to this, the website template we use has a variety of special highlighted sections that we use to draw attention to things.

Lesson sections

The following lesson section tags are available:

Additionally, you can make extra copies of these tags, which are included automatically:

Each tag is used in the same way, by including a section with a heading (## heading) in a block quote (> quoted text), and by having the tag {: .tag-name} on the line immediately following:

> ## Section Title
> Here is the section body.
> This can be multiple lines long, and include images, code, etc.
> If you want paragraph breaks, make sure the quotation block continues
> by having the blank line start with >
> When you're finished, style the whole block by including the tag on the next line.
{: .tag-name}


{: .prereq} Tag

This is a {: .prereq} tag block. This tag is usually used to tell participants what they need before they can complete a lesson.

{: .callout} Tag

This is a {: .callout} tag block. This tag is usually used to highlight something participants should take note of.

{: .challenge} Tag

This is a {: .challenge} tag block. This tag is usually used to suggest an activity for participants to do, perhaps writing a bit of code or trying to complete an exercise.

{: .checklist} Tag

This is a {: .checklist} tag block. This tag is usually used to provide a list participants can use to make sure they don’t forget an important step in a procedure.

{: .discussion} Tag

This is a {: .discussion} tag block. This tag is usually used to present a question for participants to discuss.

{: .solution} Tag

This is a {: .solution} tag block. This tag is usually used to present a solution to a problem. It is hidden by default, so that participants have to click to expand it and see the answer.

> Using a different heading level for the solution tag won't work.
> It has to be level 2.

{: .testimonial} Tag

This is a {: .testimonial} tag block. This tag is usually used to present quotes from people who have previously participated in the course.

Advanced Tag Use

You can nest tags. It’s quite common to see {: .solution} tags nested inside {: .challenge} tags, for example. They are done by stacking quote levels:

> ## Question
> Why do you normally not need to use `{: .objectives}` and `{: .keypoints}` tags?
> > ## Answer
> > These tags are included automatically at the beginning and end of the lesson.
> {: .solution}
{: .challenge}

And it looks like:


Why do you normally not need to use {: .objectives} and {: .keypoints} tags?


These tags are included automatically at the beginning and end of the lesson.


You can also write in HTML. The special <kbd> tag is available for use in neatly styling instructions like “press Ctrl + Home”.