
Instructors: to be announced.

General Information

Open Research training aims to helps researchers disseminate their research widely using Open Access publication approaches.

This training will teach researchers to:

Here is a slightly longer description of the topic. Other UKRN Open Research topics can be found in the list of UKRN Primers.



We are committed to making this workshop accessible to everybody. The workshop organizers have checked that:

Materials will be provided in advance of the workshop and large-print handouts are available if needed by notifying the organizers in advance. If we can help making learning easier for you (e.g. sign-language interpreters, lactation facilities) please get in touch (using contact details below) and we will attempt to provide them.

We are dedicated to providing a positive and accessible learning environment for all. Please notify the instructors in advance of the workshop if you require any accommodations or if there is anything we can do to make this workshop more accessible to you.

Contact: Please email the instructors for more information. The instructors' emails are:

Code of Conduct

Everyone who participates in UKRN activities is required to conform to the UKRN Code of Conduct. This document also outlines how to report an incident if needed.


Please be sure to complete these surveys before and after the workshop.

Pre-workshop Survey

Post-workshop Survey



To participate in this workshop you will need an up-to-date web browser.